Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Founding Principles of The TRP of SA

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Establishing the basics principles and tennants of the TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION PARTY OF SOUTH AFRICA

As written by Avner Eliyahu Romm during June 2008

Dear John.
Behold are the basics of a manifest for the new political party I think of creating, the Truth and Reconciliation Party:

1. The rights of individual/individualist journalists, who refused to follow the "regulations" of "pac journalism", should be maintained and supervised. In this regard, the book "Media Cleansing-Dirty Reporting" (written by US journalist Peter Brock) should be included in the education program of South Africa.
2. In unique cases, where there is a lack of justice (regarding such cases) worldwide, the law should make is possible for people suspected of serious crimes (such as insighting hatred, abduction, murder, causing someone's death, or causing someone's physical or mental health problems) to be judged and answer charges in South Africa. This law should apply especially to officials and most of all to South African judges, who are/were supposed to be objective in conducting their judgments. The goal of this law is to bring Goldstone to justice.
3. Any monument of Queen Victoria should be demolished and replaced by a monument of one of the World Wars' heroes, or one who is unfairly commonly demonized worldwide. Alternatively, a Queen Victoria monument may also be turned into a public restroom. Public places named after Queen Victoria should be renamed.
4. Jobs must be contributed to people according to their skills, but this excludes people who purposely make themselves unbearable to be around with.
5. Vehicles whose drivers or passengers are a public disturbance (such as taxis whose drivers constantly hoot or whistle) should be confiscated by the state and sold in a flea market.

1. Immediate, full and unconditional amnesty should be granted to prisoners rejected by the Tutu (the so called "Truth and Reconciliation") Commission.
2. There should be a stop to renaming streets and public buildings. Cities and Airports should bare their old names together with the new ones. This applies to provinces as well, excluding cases of senseless renaming. Namely: Western Transvaal should be called so, not "North West". The Orange Free State should be called so too (without omitting the word "Orange").
3. Hours of Rest should be added, and noise which is unnecessary and just meant to irritate should be outlawed and punished.
4. Generous rewards should be awarded to people who report unlawful incidents and events to the authorities.
5. Children should be compelled to complete 12 schooling years. While there should be institutions to help poor people, those who choose run away from those institutions to become a social burden should be aware of the consequences.

Persons supporting such or similar principles are to please write to Avner Romm at the email address confirming their support or objections and advise of changes they may propose in order to support such a party : freedrseselj@yahoo.com


  1. The Important topic here is that The TRP of SA is modeled on NADECO the most modern constitution of a democratic party in the Constitutional Democracy of South Africa.


  2. Consider reading and validating the website here.



    The result of the death of Eugene Terreblanche leaves the TRPSA stunned and shocked and it is indeed an unfortunate and unnecessary occurrence.

    The TRPSA expresses its condolences to the family of Eugene Terreblanche and wishes his family God's Speed.

    We are mindful of how it can occur that a wage disagreement in a normal society would end in a murder, where channels, including courts, exist to resolve labor disputes.

    It is with deep regret that the radical elements of South Africa are unable to reach reconciliation and that war and hate mongers continue to incite violence and hatred and threaten violence and use opportune slogans, political rhetoric and simple mindedness to return to the earlier and maybe darker times in South African history.

    It is high time people started to do co-operative and constructive work in order to rebuild the country and improve their lives instead of indulging in short term destructive activities, mindlessness and idle chatter of the "lunatic fringe ", mindless and ignorant masses.

    The objectives of our country should not be mudslinging but rather education, job creation, industrialization, academic research and development of a constitutional democracy in order to create a South Africa where all persons born therein can live in peace if not also in harmony.

    And hopefully where reconciliation after centuries of apparently exploited lifestyles, which may require evolution and refinement, can be completed if not in very least conducted in a fashion.

    The TRPSA endorses rule of law and prevailing of accurate justice and full consideration of all relevant facts and circumstances.

    Indeed it seems it is time for all South Africans to have a serious and honest internal and inter racial, inter party politico debate.

    If Janusz Walos and Clive Derby-Lewis remain imprisoned, after serving nearly 20 years and are both elderly, it remains doubtful that the ANC can be seen as a dealing transparently and honestly if Nelson Mandela, in the TRC and his biography: "Long Walk to Freedom", has admitted to Church Street Massacre (in which 19 innocent people were murdered)- questions thus arise: is Chris Hani's death equal score for Eugene Terreblenche's, and is keeping Janusz Walos and Clive Derby-Lewis imprisoned is in the best interest of reconciliation in Southern Africa, and how does that amount to reconciliation at all?

  4. Furthermore the TRPSA says :

    Is racial slander expressed and implied, political rhetoric about Nationalization and farm occupations by Malema any good or necessary in RSA, other than to create chaos and incitement, is the cart being put before the horse, is Robert Mugabe's land reform program successful if Zimbabwe is a net food importer and mines are dysfunctional?

    One needs to ask exacting questions: Would Mandela have approved, had he still been in power?

    How would he have managed the trumoil?

    And what is Zuma's actual position in this regard?

    Is Malema's objective rather more accurately one of non -cooperation and destruction?

    How it that, recently in vicinity of De Doorns in the Western Cape a black indigent Zimbabwean,was murdered by "liberation techniques" of burning to death, apparently over a issue to do with county boundaries, which were agreed by British and Boers nearly two centuries ago, perhaps it reflects the mindset of certain individuals who are indeed the "cattle" who vote for certain liberation organizations & movements with no plan except destruction as a venting mechanism for their frustrations.

    Does this seething hatred have a solution?

    The objectives of our country should not be mudslinging but rather education, job creation, industrialization, academic research and development of a constitutional democracy in order to create a South Africa where all persons born therein can live in peace if not also in harmony.

    And hopefully, where reconciliation after centuries of apparently exploited lifestyles which may require evolution and refinement can be completed if not in very least conducted in a fashion.

    The TRPSA calls for all South Africans to remain calm and mindful.

    Infact White Nationalism is perfectly normal as Black Nationalism is and indeed British National Party is one example of European White Nationalism, especially moderate versions thereof who wish to co –exist with neighbors , fundamentally we see absolutely nothing inappropriate with Afrikaners seeking self determination in a country of their own nor White Nationalism.

    The Truth and Reconciliation Party of South Africa also wishes the newly elected leader of the AWB well in his new job and intends for him fellowship and for a mellowed approach.

  5. some of the life experiences of the Gentleman:


  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h00h0MMXeos







  7. The Truth and Reconciliation Party of South Africa sends its condolences to Poland's Presidential family,the Polish Government and Polish people - over the tragic air crash and resultant death of President Lech KACZYNSKI .

    The perished President and government officials is tragic event.

    The Truth and Reconciliation Party of South Africa wishes the new government good luck in improving the economy of Poland and in securing the release of Janusz Walos and his friend Clive Derby Lewis from south African prison ,and in improving Poland's Diplomatic relationship with Russia and its other neighbors.

  8. Please participate in the Petitions located at :



  9. http://www.youtube.com/user/Freeseselj#p/a/u/0/08Q4XARzT44

